Monday, January 27, 2014

Not another dad blog...

This blog is kinda like the old dudes you tend to run into at the rec center. You know, the really old ones who have no problem letting it all hang out. They go and play some racquetball or something while their wives participate in some kind of water aerobics classes. They work up a sweat hobbling back and forth across the court. So they strip their clothes off, sometimes before getting in the door to the locker room, and then they proceed to walk around completely nude and do things at an extremely slow pace for the next 45 minutes.  They shower, they comb their 30 strands of white hair with their pocket comb, they blow dry their junk, they talk about what friends of their were in the obit's today, they reminisce about the french ladies they met during WWII, you know, usual old dude stuff.
This blog will probably ramble on about something nobody has cared about since the last time the Chiefs won a Super Bowl (1969).  This blog will tend to bare it all with no shame and little regard for others. That's really where the similarities end....I mean I did say this blog is kinda like the old dudes at the rec center, I didn't' say exactly like them.

I know what you are thinking: "Not another dad blog.  These things are all over the place these days and they are usually even more boring than mom blogs."  You are right.  They are  and are almost always a total snooze fest.  Lucky for you this isn't exactly a dad blog.  The reason I say that is because this blog most likely won't deal with dad topics all the time, sometimes the posts will be in no way related to dad life. So no worries about it being a boring dad blog. It's just a boring blog with some dad topics and some non-dad topics. So there ya go...

This blog is most of a place for me to collect my thoughts, rants, raves, and stories.  If you choose to read, I hope you enjoy this insight into my life.  If you choose to click that red X in the corner now and never come back, then FINE, WHATEVER, I DON'T NEED YOU ANYWAYS.

As I wrote that line above I realized that unless I want to set my blog up so the oldest posts show on top (which I definitely don't want to do because that's stupid), only the most dedicated readers will likely ever read this once I have a few posts under my belt.  So that was kinda pointless, unless you are reading this because it is my first and only post, then it's not really as pointless but probably still mostly pointless.  Enough rambling, let's get right into the boring stereotypical dad blog stuff!

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