Thursday, January 30, 2014

Back in my day kids played real sports

Growing up, if you were a boy (which I was), you played sports.  This wasn't just a thing in my family, this was a thing with all boys my age.  Everyone played a sport, and most kids played 3 or 4 sports.  I remember Jr. Jazz basketball being the only topic of conversation between every boy in school from November to February.  Guys who balled in Jr. Jazz were more popular than Stockton and Malone.  There was one kid on my team one year who was one of the three black kids in my school and he could touch the rim, which was a really big deal for middle school kids.  Everyone was 100% sure he was the next MJ.  I think some kids might have even got his autograph.  I'm pretty sure that dude ended up in jail because he roofied some chick and then enjoyed her company.

Things have changed since my youth.  Sports are not the same as the used to be. eSports is a thing, and Koreans are getting athlete visas to come play Starcraft in the U.S.  There isn't a single upcoming baseball player that isn't juicing.  Lance Armstrong juiced during his whole career.  The XFL was a thing.

NFL players can't hit like the used to because they will either get fined or get a concussion.  The Rams asked Brett Favre to come back to play this year.  NBA players spend more time practicing their flopping than their jumpers.
Carly Rae Jepsen made it 3 feet on her opening pitch at a Rays game.

It's not always a bad thing that sports are changing.  Wait, who am I kidding, of course it's a bad thing.  It sucks.  I don't want to watch the Miami Heat, the Yankees, and the Patriots win a buttload of games every year because they have the most money. I want to watch the Jazz get to the finals.  I want to see the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl 4 years in a row.  I want to see the Pistons beat the Lakers and watch Rasheed Wallace throw dudes around and get fouled out every game because of how scrappy he plays. Unfortunately these are things of the past.

Sports may not have changed, maybe I grew up and became more aware.  Maybe media coverage became more extensive and guys couldn't hide their juicing like they could in the 90's.  Maybe I am wrong and sports today are still as awesome as they were 20 years ago, but I would be willing to bet im right.  Can we get back to how things were in the 90's?

Bonus Bosh GIF because it's awesome

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