Monday, February 10, 2014

Pizzadillas. The Ultimate Meal

Today I want to share a recipe that has become a staple in my house over the past year or so.  I came up with the pizzadilla one Sunday afternoon when I was desperately hungry and so sick of the boring every day quesadilla. I decided to spice up my quesadilla a little bit by adding a few things. The result was the of the greatest meals known to man.  Pizzadillas are super easy to make and are very versatile.  The recipe is below.  I apologize for my lack of photography skills/equipment.


Total prep and cook time: 3-5 minutes

Serves: 1


1 Tortilla
~2 Tablespoons red sauce (marinara, spaghetti, pizza sauce, tomato paste with seasoning, whatever)
Cheddar Cheese
Chili Powder (if desired)
Mozzarella Cheese (if available)
Pizza toppings as desired
Any other cheeses as desired and if available (parmesan, pepper/colby jack, etc)

Making a pizzadilla is very similar to making a quesadilla.  Get a frying pan that will fit your tortilla and put it on heat with the tortilla in the pan. Once the tortilla is in the pan, immediately grate enough cheddar cheese to cover the entire tortilla. Lightly sprinkle the chili powder on top of the cheese if you want it to have a slightly spicy taste.  Let the tortilla with cheese sit on low-medium heat until the cheese begins to melt. Before the cheese is fully melted, spread the sauce on half of the tortilla.  Don't spread it too thick or else it will come out and burn your face when you eat it.  Once the sauce is on, add any additional grated cheeses you desire on top of both sides of the pizzadilla.  Don't put too much additional cheese on top or it begins to get gross. The best cheeses I have found to add at this point are Mozzarella and Parmesan.  If I have both, I usually add them both. The Mozzarella will give it a pizza-like texture and taste, so sometimes I will mix the shredded cheddar with the shredded Mozzarella as the base layer and then add Parmesan on top, this is up to you.  With the top layer of cheese, you are free to add any toppings you have available. Pepperoni is always a solid choice, but you can really add anything normally found on a pizza at this point and it will turn out great.  I would advise that when adding vegetables, cook them in the microwave or sauté them first, otherwise they will be crunchy and undercooked.  Once you have added all your cheeses and toppings, turn the heat a little higher, just a shade above medium until all of the cheese melts.  Once the cheese has all melted, pull the pizzadilla out of the pan, fold it in half along the sauce line, and set it aside to cool.  Once it has cooled for a minute or two, pop that sucker in your mouth and let your taste buds experience the awesomeness that they only ever dreamed of.  Buen Provecho!

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